Seven Things We Wish the Apple Tablet Would Have
It looks like the long wait for the rumored Apple tablet will be over
this week. We should finally get a glimpse of something that could be
insanely great or maybe not so great. We think we have a pretty
good idea of what it will look like. We're pretty sure it will be a
media player with a 10-inch touchsrceen LCD display that will run
iPhone apps or Mac OS apps, play movies or videos, "read" books
and newspapers, browse the web, and probably some new things that
some clever Apple engineers have thought up. We also expect to see
an iBookStore and an iSlate (or whatever the call it) apps store right
out of the gate.
We think it might be more interesting to fantasize about the features
that we don't think will be included but could make an Apple tablet
truly insanely great. Here's our list. We'd also like to know what's
on your wish list. Add a comment or drop us a line.
1. Folio Display
What if you could open the tablet like a book but could also rotate it
and use it like a netbook with one panel serving as a keyboard and
the other a display. How about if one panel swung all the way around
so it converted to a real notepad-type device?
2. Touchless, Gesture-Based Interface
Suppose the video camera (or two) was able to interpret your gestures
and even map them to a keyboard. It would be like a multitouch display,
without the touch. You could wave your hand around and manipulate
objects on the screen.
3. Haptic Feedback
Haptic feedback was developed to provide tactile feedback to doctors
performing remote control procedures. It now appears in other devices
like game controllers and smartphone screens that vibrate to add an
extra dimension to the user interface. Some people might find haptic
feedback helpful when typing on a soft keyboard.
4. Solar Charging
When Retrevo recently asked potential buyers of an Apple tablet what
feature could help persuade them to buy one, the most popular feature
was solar charging. Imagine being able to leave the tablet in the sun and
let it charge. Solar charging could also come in handy where electricity
wasn't available like on a hike or at the beach.
5. ATSC Mobile TV tuner
If the tablet is going to me a true multimedia player, it would be nice if
it had a TV tuner built in so you could watch you favorite shows in
bed or on the bus. ATSC Mobile tuners are already starting to
appear in cell phones and other mobile devices, why not in a tablet?
6. Next Generation Wireless Connectivity
WiFi and 3G are nice to have and available in most populated areas
but the next generation high speed wireless connectivity is already
here. WiMax, LTE, and 4G networks are starting to be deployed
around the United States and elsewhere. Let's get high speed data
transfers moving on this tablet sooner then later.
7. Built-In Pico Projector
Imagine you are lying in bed with your new Apple tablet and a movie
or TV show is being projected from it onto the wall or the ceiling.
How about using it to make a presentation at a meeting? With a
built-in pico projector you’d be able to do all that and more.
Now It's Your Turn
That's what we think could make the Apple tablet even more
interesting. What features would you like see them include or
maybe nothing they could do could get you interested in buying
a tablet? Let us know what you think.
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