Flash drives have taken on a whole art form. Here are some unusual USB flash memory drives that we wanted to share with you.
Memory Pipe Flash Drive
Put some memory in your pipe but don't smoke it.
Swiss Army Flash Drive
This could be a handy gadget to have in your tool kit. It even has a red flashlight.
Magic Eight Ball Flash Drive
Ask this drive a question like "am I going to run out of memory?" and get back a magic eight ball-type answer like "you can count on it."
Thumb Drive (haha)
This flash drive gets one thumb up, or sideways.
Collect the Whole Set of Sushi Drives
Not sure if these come with wasabi but they're kind of cute.
Slowest Flash Drive
You can find flash drives in the form of lots of different animals
Corked Flash Drives
Vintage flash drives available in shockproof packages.
Reproductive Flash Drives
This is guaranteed to get a few comments.
Clothespin Flash Drive
Clipping this to something could make it harder to lose.
Hershey Bar Flash Drive
For the chocoholics in the group.
Dangling Cable Flash Drive
It just looks like someone snipped the cable. The "Hacked!" drive could be a conversation starter.
Sunglasses Flash Drive
This could be a handy way of carrying around your data.
Memory Pipe Flash Drive
Put some memory in your pipe but don't smoke it.
Swiss Army Flash Drive
This could be a handy gadget to have in your tool kit. It even has a red flashlight.
Magic Eight Ball Flash Drive
Ask this drive a question like "am I going to run out of memory?" and get back a magic eight ball-type answer like "you can count on it."
Thumb Drive (haha)
This flash drive gets one thumb up, or sideways.
Collect the Whole Set of Sushi Drives
Not sure if these come with wasabi but they're kind of cute.
Slowest Flash Drive
You can find flash drives in the form of lots of different animals
Corked Flash Drives
Vintage flash drives available in shockproof packages.
Reproductive Flash Drives
This is guaranteed to get a few comments.
Clothespin Flash Drive
Clipping this to something could make it harder to lose.
Hershey Bar Flash Drive
For the chocoholics in the group.
Dangling Cable Flash Drive
It just looks like someone snipped the cable. The "Hacked!" drive could be a conversation starter.
Sunglasses Flash Drive
This could be a handy way of carrying around your data.
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